Runway and Taxiway Seal Coating and Remarking, Jena Airport, Jena, LA


Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson, Inc. was the prime consultant for all engineering services for the runway and taxiway seal coating and remarking project at the Jena Airport. The project was a part of Jena's CIP program and included grant assistance and DBE services. The project also included coordination with the airport manager as it required the airport to be closed for several short periods of time while the seal coat and pavement markings were placed and dried. The asphalt pavement was generally in good condition before this project, however, the pavement was beginning to show signs of oxidation and the runway pavement markings were in dire need of replacement. The runway and taxiway also had minor cracks that needed to be sealed to prevent damage to the pavement structure. This airport runway rehabilitation project included the removal of the existing striping, 600 gallons of crack sealant, 50,000 square yards of coal tar emulsion with aggregate, and 31,000 square feet of runway and taxiway painting.