Vandenburg Drive Lift Station, Alexandria, LA


The Vandenburg Drive Lift Station is part of the ongoing LA Highway 28 West Sewer System Improvements project for the City of Alexandria. The purpose of these sewer improvements is to provide sewer service along the fastest growing area of the City out to the western borders and to tie-in various sections of the existing sewer system. The overall plan is for the future development of the west wastewater treatment plant. The Vandenburg Drive Lift Station is the primary lift station in this development. The lift station receives flow from the sewer trunk main which it pumps through a 24" force main to an existing gravity main at LA Highway 1. The lift station has triplex pumps and is of the buried canister type. The design flow is 9,000 gpm and sufficeint space has been reserved on the site to expand with the addition of an identical station. The station also incorporates variable frequency drives which allow the station to operate with low initial flows as the area it develops.